Ecofeminism which can also be called ecological feminism. Most ecofeminist principles are based on the following beliefs.
1.The building of Western industrial civilization in opposition to nature interacts dialectically with and reinforces the subjugation of women, because women are believed to be closer to nature. Therefore,ecofeministstake on the life-struggles of all of nature as our own.
2.Life on earth is an interconnected web, not a hierarchy. There is no natural hierarchy; human hierarchy is projected onto nature and then used to justify social domination. Therefore ,ecofeminist theory seeks to show the connections between all forms of domination, including the domination of nonhuman nature, and ecofeminist practice is necessarily anti-hierarchical.
- A healthy, balanced ecosystem, including human and nonhuman inhabitants, must maintain diversity. Ecologically, environmental simplification is as significant a problem as environmental pollution. Biological simplification, Le., the wiping out of whole species, corresponds to reducing human diversity into faceless workers, or to the homogenization of taste and culture . through mass consumer markets. Social lifeand natural life are literally simplified to the inorganic for the convenience of market society. Therefore we need a decentralized global movement that is founded on common interests yet celebrates diversity and opposes all forms of domination and violence. Potentially, ecofeminism is such a movement.
4. The survival of the species necessitates a renewed understanding of our relationship to nature, of our own bodily nature and of nonhuman nature around us; it necessitates a challenging of the nature-culture dualism and a corresponding radical restructuring of human society according to feminist and ecological principles. Adrienne Rich says, “When we. speak of transformation we speak more accurately out of the vision of a process which will leave neither surfaces nor depths unchanged, which enters society at the most essential level of the subjugation of women and nature by men…”(470-471) (The Ecology of Feminist and the feminism ecology)
Hobgood-Oster Reading
When looking at this reading we learn that ecofeminism emerged in the 1970s and 1980s. It is a multitude of feminist theory and environmental theories. It focuses on women and nature, the intersectionality and connection between the world and soul/ body. It is important to understand that ecofeminism is multi-faceted and multi-located (2) it challenges systems rather than individuals. the Hobgood-Oster discusses how patriarchal structures justify superiority through dichotomy hierarchies. their is a focus of binaries and duality. ” heaven/earth”, “mind/body” , male/female”, and “human/animal”. these establish oppressive structures continue to demonstrate their abusive behaviors, in turn reinforce these binaries ideas. the conclusion of this reading is that ecofeminism continues to shift and grow, many different forms will surely appear and change as the definitions of environment and society change.
In the Warren Reading she draws on right connections between woman and nature. The connection that caught my eye was connection number 3. that is is the Empirical and Experiential Connection. she explains that data is shown that proves environmental destruction is often affecting women, children, racial minorities and the poor population. some of the destruction is from radiation, pesticides and pollutants. When looking at this connection, I immediately thought of the environmental destruction towards indigenous women and children. There is a Global Women’s Rights site called MADRE. they collaborated with Indigenous Environmental Network. Here is a video that I feel goes with the third connection.
Greetings Cassandra.
The principles of life being connected, but not a hierarchy does not apply to these indigenous women in the video. As echoed by the lady from Colombia, “extractive mining is a result of the patriarchy since colonialism.” Mandan-a native American speaks of daily oil spills , one since 2014-not cleaned up, and barrels of toxic salt water, which as Yasso from Nepal stated that the extracting industries affect health. There are advocacy groups, movements confronting coal mines, and even a mayor in the group, all the backbone of the movement, defending mother earth from climate crisis, said Lucy from Kenya, which reminds us that survival of the species necessitates…understanding of our relationship with nature.
Hi Cassandra,
The painting that you posted is a great representation of the connection between women and nature. All people should be connected with nature and not assume that they are above nature. However, it has been known that women are more likely to feel connected with nature than men. Seeing the woman in the tree or essentially part of the tree shows that idea of women being connected to nature. As Hobgood- Oster mentions about hierarchies there should be no hierarchies when discussing nature and the painting you chose expresses that.
Thank you, I really felt that this picture was great representation of nature and the connection to women. I felt of all the examples about ecofeminism related to women and the connection to nature.